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Speech by Aristos Damianou, AKEL Political Bureau member and MP at the memorial service of the Papalazarou brothers


14 July 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Dear family of the heroes,


This year’s memorial services of our heroes are accompanied by a sad peculiarity. Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the treacherous coup of 15 July 1974, while in a few days 50 years will have passed since the brutal Turkish army invasion of 20 July 1974.

Half a century of betrayal, half a century of occupation, half a century as refugees.

It is always difficult to talk about heroes. It is even more difficult to talk about heroes who have been raised in the ranks of the Left and have become an integral part of our history as the People’s Movement of the Left [the mass organisations of the Left PEO, EDON, POGO and EKA].

There is always the danger of repeating ourselves. And yet perhaps we should repeat ourselves.

We should continue to denounce the guilty of committing treason.

We should condemn the attempt to erase memory and the attempt to falsify the historical truth.

In honouring the memory of Kyriakos and Sotiris Papalazarou, we honour all those who resisted the campaign of terror unleashed by EOKA B, all those who defended democracy, those who gave their lives for the integrity of our homeland.

Their death was the continuation and consequence of their lives, their ideals and values. Ideals and values they inherited from their parents but also from their participation in the organized struggle of EDON Youth [the youth Organisation of AKEL].

It is true that on such days people’s memories are collected. They remember the events of that black summer of 1974 and what preceded it. Namely, the preparation and orgy of political assassinations that were carried out for which no one has actually been punished for.

The assassination of Kyriakos was also a political and deliberate action. Kyriakos was just 17 years old when, after the deposition of [pro-Greek junta} Abbot Gennadios, on 1 July 1973, an EOKA B guard took Kyriakos’ life so inhumanly and cowardly in the Paphos Metropolis where he was a boarder. The culprit, who has a name and surname and lived among us for so many years, was never punished. Nor was he even charged, despite the efforts of Kyriakos’ parents. “Kyriakos’ case file was lost” was the answer the tragic parents got. Yet another crime went unpunished.

The blow to the family was unfortunately not to be the last. A family whose photograph of two heroic brothers and children epitomizes the tragic history of our country. Two crimes, the coup d’état and invasion, two crimes, two murders, two heroes. One mother clad in black.

A year after Kyriakos’ murder, Sotiris Papalazarou fell fighting in Episkopi during the Turkish invasion.

A medical student, he returned to Cyprus in the summer of 1974 for holidays. But holidays could wait. The homeland was in danger. At the outbreak of the coup, carrying in his soul the ideals of peace, democracy, patriotism and the unbearable pain of the loss of his brother, he picked up his gun and ran to the Ayi Ioanni Limassol Police Station to help defend it from the coupists. He fought the coupists defending the lawful government of the country. “Either you fight fascism valiantly or you become its slave” he said. He was slightly wounded and while hiding from the coupists the Turkish invasion began. Without any hesitation he again answered the call of duty to defend the Independence of Cyprus. For certain others [the EOKA B coupists], of course, a holiday in the Troodos mountain took precedent…

Unfortunately, the sacrifice of Sotiris, Kyriakos and so many of our other brave lads was not vindicated. It failed to prevent the disaster. That is precisely why we must not forget neither those who fought and sacrificed their lives for the homeland, nor those who betrayed it. We must not forget our past, mistakes, crimes and our history, but we must clearly pass it on to our young people. Not to divide or to take revenge, but to help prevent similar acts from being committed in the future.

Every year, when we talk about the coup, we are told that we are dwelling on the past, that we are dividing the people.

But what is it but a provocation and a divisive act to write off the coup as not happening?

What is it other than divisive to circulate a circular in schools or the official film of the Republic of Cyprus on the 50th anniversary without any reference to the coup without any picture?

Until recently they were propagating something about the ‘foolish coup’ of the junta. Now it has been completely erased and the responsibilities of the government ruling forces are incalculable.

The modern history of Cyprus teaches us that nationalism – chauvinism and the opportunistic and misleading exploitation of empty “patriotic” sloganeering have only brought disaster to this country.

Unfortunately, in recent years, neo-fascism and nationalism have been dangerously rearing their heads in our country and some people do not understand the consequences of this. It is our duty to fight it. We must not let other people’s consciences be eroded.

It is also our debt to our dead and to our homeland to continue to struggle for the solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of a bicommunal, bizonal federation, for a united state with a single sovereignty, a single international personality, a single citizenship and political equality as outlined in the Resolutions of the UN.

A solution that guarantees the human rights and freedoms of the Cypriot people as a whole.

A solution that, let us note, was the accepted and agreed upon – at least in theory – by all governments and recorded in the UN resolutions.

Those forces and circles who today reject the solution of federation directly or indirectly by putting forward maximalist positions aren’t doing our country a good service. Some prefer, whether they admit it or not, to leave things as they are and lead us to partition. But they do not tell the people what evils will be brought about by partition or by perpetuating the current situation indefinitely. Because surely things will not just stay as they are. The war in Gaza is a striking example and highlights how fragile the situation we are living in here in Cyprus is.

We are worried. Because so far the attempt to resume direct talks does not seem to be succeeding. And this is not a development that serves the interests of our people. This should be a matter of concern for everyone and especially for President Christodoulides. Future generations of Cypriots deserve to live in peace and security. And given the stalemate that has existed for 7 years now, the need to break the deadlock on the Cyprus problem is urgent. Because the prolonged and dangerous stalemate on the Cyprus problem only serves Turkey.

Dear family, dear brothers and sisters of Kyriakos and Sotiris,

Paying tribute is our duty.  Kyriakos and Sotiris became with their sacrifice a beacon of light that guides our steps. Just as you and the late parents Papalazaros and Agathoniki became a beacon of light with your restraint and dignity despite the pain that nested in your hearts.

We promise you that we, on our part, will continue our efforts to vindicate the sacrifices of all the children of our small and bitter country.

May their memory be eternal!

Honor and glory to our heroes!




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