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Procedures such as the “compensation committee” only complicate the efforts for a solution of the Cyprus problem

Written statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th August 2016, Nicosia

cyprus NATO cprWe have said from the very beginning that the “property compensation committee” in the occupied areas is not an effective means of delivering justice. Justice can only be achieved through the solution of the Cyprus problem; a solution that will give the possibility to the owner to have his property.

From there onwards, procedures such as the “compensation committee only complicate the efforts for a solution of the Cyprus problem on an issue that is both difficult and complex. Those who believe that we can effectively address the invasion and occupation through such means I believe are completely fooling themselves. We must continue trying to solve the Cyprus problem within the framework of the agreed basis, in order to effectively tackle the invasion and continuing occupation


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