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President Christodoulides’ reaction confirms that he isn’t aware of what a large section of society is experiencing

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

29 March 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

President Christodoulides’ reaction yesterday once again confirm that his concern is his communication image, that he isn’t aware of what a significant section of society is experiencing in terms of the increased interest rates, the repeated rent payments, the price of electricity and fuel. Mr. Christodoulides and his government:

  1. They do not have and do not intend to draw up a comprehensive plan to confront the problem of poverty, both with immediate measures to relieve households or through long-term policies to permanently reduce the cost of living in our country.
  2. They completely leave the middle strata out of any measures and do not realise that, together with the vulnerable groups, it is the vast majority of society that is being squeezed by poverty.
  3. They refuse to implement measures taken by other European countries, such as taxing the windfall profits of the banks and energy companies which are accumulating hundreds of millions on the backs of society. With these resources – as well as with the increased state revenues as a result of the ongoing price hikes/increases – a drastic package of real measures to support society could be funded.




Speech by Stefanos Stefanou, General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL, at the event in memory and honor of the Heroes of the 1974 anti-fascist Resistance in Pelendri


Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou after the meeting with a Communist Party of Greece delegation