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People should be told the truth about the real dilemma before us: Bi-communal, bi-zonal federation or final partition?

19 December 2019, “Haravgi” newspaper

“Political parties have a responsibility to inform the people by telling the truth about the real dilemma before us. That is to say, Bi-zonal, bi-communal Federation or our country’s final partition with all the negative consequences that would entail for both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots”.

The above was stressed yesterday by Stavri Kalopsidiotou, member of the C.C. of AKEL and member of the Cyprus Problem Bureau of AKEL, at the meeting between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot political parties which took place under the aegis of the Slovakian Embassy.

According to the statement released by the Slovakian Embassy, the participants agreed that political parties can assist the procedure to solve the Cyprus problem by taking specific actions to enhance trust between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots that will create a positive climate for the peace process itself.

The political parties pledged to refrain from taking actions that would increase the distance and mistrust between the two communities, and to reiterate their support for the resumption of substantive negotiations based on the understanding that was achieved between the two leaders in Berlin in the presence of the UN Secretary General.

Precisely on this issue which the UN Secretary General also pointed out in his last report as to the Cyprus problem, Stavri Kalopsidiotou noted that AKEL, “considers as negative the way in which political forces convey their messages to society and citizens who should be briefed in an objective way and without serving any expediencies on the Cyprus problem instead of the agreed solution being deionized.”

Kalopsidiotou stressed that, “citizens should be in a position to understand what the fundamental characteristics of the sought solution are which is none other than Bi-zonal, Bi-communal Federation with political equality as set out the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, if nothing else so they can comprehend to what degree their lives will be affected, what benefits we can attain from this solution and because the current status quo which isn’t static is not an option for us.”

As far as AKEL is concerned, S.Kalopsidiotou underlined that the Party “has for decades remained committed to a sincere dialogue and cooperation with the progressive Turkish Cypriot political parties, trying to understand the other community’s sensitivities, but at the same time to convey the sensitivities of Greek Cypriots too. Furthermore, AKEL has never ceased taking initiatives to brief all citizens about the issues regarding the solution of the Cyprus problem.”      


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