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Papadopoulos and Anastasiades in reality do not have a proposal for the solution of the Cyprus problem

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL 24TH November 2017, Nicosia

Today’s statement by “Solidarity” leader and MEP Eleni Theocharous that bizonal federation is a wretched solution that will transform Cyprus into a Turkish protectorate is a continuation of the extremist positions of the forces backing Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos. These positions raise a lot of questions that Nicolas Papadopoulos himself is called upon to answer.

Does Mr. Papadopoulos share the position expressed by the President of “Solidarity”? If so, why doesn’t he dare say so boldly and why is he hiding behind vague minced words and evading replying on the subject? If he doesn’t agree with Mrs. Theocharous, why doesn’t he express his disagreement clearly? There isn’t a single word in Nicolas Papadopoulos’ notorious “new strategy” about the sought goal for the solution of the Cyprus problem?

What exactly will Nicholas Papadopoulos do if, for the sake of argument, he is elected to the presidency of the Republic? Will he say that he doesn’t care about the term, but about the content? Does he believe that by adopting such positions he will be credible and that the resumption of the talks will be made feasible?

But even in the unlikely event that with such ambiguities the resumption of the negotiation procedure will be made possible, what exactly will Nicolas Papadopoulos do at the negotiating table? Will he annul everything and say that he will not discuss on the basis of bizonal, bicommunal federation when all the previous Presidents of the Republic of Cyprus – without exception whatsoever – negotiated precisely on this basis?

Both Nicolas Papadopoulos and Nicos Anastasiades, who recently returned to the demagogy of the 2013 pre-election campaign and adopted dangerous rhetoric of the so-called intermediate spectrum, in reality do not have a proposal for the solution of the Cyprus problem. They have no proposal capable of resuming the negotiating procedure and leading either to a successful outcome or to expose Turkey, which is currently enjoying being relieved of any responsibility for the breakdown in Crans Montana. On the contrary, the only really specific and clear proposal that gives a realistic prospect of a solution for the liberation and reunification of our country and people is the proposal submitted by Stavros Malas.


Tougher positions on the Cyprus problem lead directly to partition


Papadopoulos' flirt with old strategies baptized as “new”, along with Anastasiades' experimentations and expediencies are a dead-end policy