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Message to the DISY government: Stop blocking the reduction of taxes on electricity and fuel

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

6 September 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

At a time when people’s pockets are being emptied day by day, the coffers of the state and energy companies are being filled with unexpected revenues. That is precisely why other European countries are discussing and implementing caps on prices, VAT reductions and imposing taxes on energy companies’ excess profits. However, the opposite is happening in Cyprus. The government and the ruling DISY party are not only not taking such measures, but on the contrary they are blocking those bills the majority of Parliament has voted for.

The government and DISY must give a clear answer to Cypriot society.

Will they or will they not withdraw the President’s reversals {to the Supreme Court] reducing VAT on electricity and abolishing the double taxation on fuel, i.e. legislation passed by the Parliament, except, of course, by the ruling DISY party?

When will they feel what the Cypriot people are really going through with the ongoing price hikes that are nibbling away at people’s salaries and pensions?

AKEL calls on Nicos Anastasiades to withdraw immediately the referals pending before the Supreme Court, so that taxes can be reduced and society can get some relief.



The President must withdraw the referrals of the bills passed calling for a reduction of taxes


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