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Message of AKEL for the 90th Anniversary of the CP of India

AKEL has sent a message to the Communist Party of India with the occasion of its 90th anniversary. You may read below the message:


“On behalf of the Central Committee CP Indiaof the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus AKEL and me personally, please, accept our warmest, fraternal and comradely militant greetings on the occasion of this truly momentous landmark in your country’s communist and left movement – the 90th anniversary since the foundation of the Communist Party of India, CPI. In its long history the CPI has demonstrated through its many sacrifices that it has been at the forefront of the Indian people’s fight for national liberation and social emancipation. As a truly patriotic, national and internationalist force rooted in the hearts and minds of the poor popular masses, basing its struggles on the concrete analysis of India’s conditions and subsequent dialectic application of scientific socialism, the CPI combined mass anti-imperialist struggle with the struggle for the ultimate goal of socialism.

AKEL and CPI are united not just by our common ideology and vision and our two Parties’ traditional fraternal relations, but also by our relentless struggles against the yoke of British colonialism and its policy of divide and rule. Cypriot communists particularly appreciate and draw lessons from CPI’s long-standing struggles against communalism, separatism and intolerance, as well as from its staunch defence and promotion of the unity and peaceful co-existence of all communities, minorities and ethnic groups within the framework of a secular, democratic and casteless society.  We too are fighting against the poison of nationalism-chauvinism, division and bigotry which seeks to divide peoples and countries, ultimately serving local ruling class and foreign imperialist interests.

We are following closely with keen interest your current struggles against the reactionary right wing government which is fermenting divisions and tensions, attacking labour, social and democratic rights, promoting liberalisation and privatisations in the interests of domestic and foreign capital, as well as undermining India’s traditional foreign policy of peace and cooperation in full alignment with the US imperialism. The US aggressive machinations and plans in Asia aim at intensifying its military presence and network of bases, together with its manifold interventions against the sovereignty, internal affairs and independence of states. AKEL strongly believes in the development of a mass movement of solidarity and peace against the militarisation of the region and the presence of nuclear weapons. CPI is playing an important role in forging this unity in action, together with other left and progressive forces.

AKEL for 41 years now is continuing its struggle against the ongoing Turkish occupation of 37% of its territory for the reunification of our island and people, for a common homeland that will belong to the Cypriot people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, against any foreign dependencies, “rights” of intervention, guarantees and “guardians”. AKEL supports the negotiation procedure underway for a peaceful, lasting and viable solution based on a bi-zonal, communal federal solution in line with the principles of International Law and the UN resolutions and Charter.  AKEL as a national political force is developing and forging a joint front of struggle of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. AKEL knows it can count on your consistent solidarity and support.

Your Congress is taking place in the midst of the structural crisis of the capitalist system that is shifting even more burdens on working people’s backs and attacking elementary rights and gains.  AKEL believes that only united, mass and joint actions and the building of broad alliances between the communist, left and progressive movement and the wider labour, democratic social movements in general can there be a powerful, effective and convincing response to the all-round attack on world peace and working people’s rights and gains, thus laying the foundations for a real radical alternative to capitalist barbarity.

The struggle for the prevalence of International Law against the so-called new world order and militarisation of international relations is today more urgent than ever before. Our own region, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, has once more become the centre of imperialism’s interventions against the sovereignty of states, threatening peace in the entire region, simultaneously fuelling sectarianism and fundamentalist extremism, civil wars and humanitarian catastrophe.

AKEL believes that the international communist movement in particular, putting to one side its existing differences, must develop further its cooperation and joint actions around concrete goals. We highly respect your Party’s constructive and steadfast contribution to the unity and joint action of the international communist movement through your consistent upholding of fundamental principles such as those of non-interference in the internal affairs, mutual respect and sovereignty.

In saluting this historic landmark of 90 years of struggle and sacrifices, allow me to reiterate our sincere comradely greetings to all the comrades of the CPI. AKEL expresses its strong will to work even more closely and develop further our fraternal relations and contacts at all levels. We are sure that the CPI will continue to be in the frontline of all small and big struggles, championing the interests of the popular and poor masses, the true interests of your country and carry on its rich and proud internationalist traditions of militant solidarity with all struggling peoples.

Long live the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of India!

Long live the struggle for peace, democracy and socialism!”


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