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CYCLOPS: A further step in tying Cyprus to the US war machine

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th January 2020, Nicosia

The Anastasiades-DISY government held a ceremony today to lay the foundation stone for the so-called “Cyprus Centre for Land, Open Seas and Port Security” CYCLOPS that will operate in the territory of our country, as a joint US-Cyprus program. This represents yet another step in tying Cyprus to the US war machine, which the Anastasiades government has chosen and is implementing in line with the notorious Menendez-Rubio law, which promotes American interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. Our people and all the peoples of our region have of course a very clear understanding of whether, over time, the US plans for our neighborhood have ever been in favor of peace, international law and stability.

More specifically, with regards the operation of CYCLOPS, the US State Department itself has set as its goal the combating the activity of “malign regional actors” in the Eastern Mediterranean region. However, the United States does not consider Turkey to be a malign actor, given that Turkey is perceived as a valuable NATO ally of theirs. In contrast, the United States considers Russia to be the major factor in the destabilization of the region.

Against whom will the notorious Centre ultimately operate?

What is our country’s interest in being dragged behind the US plans against other states, with which the Republic of Cyprus had and wants to have excellent relations with?

These and other questions have been put by AKEL to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, no convincing answers have been given.

In recent years, the government and the Foreign Minister have advertised countless times similar cooperations that will supposedly upgrade Cyprus’ geopolitical role and curb Turkish aggression. This policy has been refuted and proven to be false repeatedly by events themselves.


AKEL the only party to vote against the Cyprus-Israel Cooperation Agreement on security issues


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