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Mass events in memory and honour of Kavazoglu and Mishaoulis

AKEL and the Popular Movement holded the annual events in memory and honour of the heroes-symbols of the common struggle of Greekcypriots and Turkishcypriots towards peace and reunification. The events had taken place on Sunday, 6th of April, in Pera Chorio and Dali villages.

The main speaker at the main mass event in Dali was the General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL Andros Kyprianou who reiterated AKEL’s will towards a common struggle of Greekcypriots and Turkishpriots for peace and reunification of Cyprus. At the same event had spoken also the President of the turkishcypriot trade union DEVIS Mehmet Seyis.

Laying of wreaths at the grave of Dervis Ali Kavazoglou in Dali had followed by several political parties, local organisations of the Popular Movement, Youth Organizations and the family of Dervis Ali Kavazoglu and Kostas Mishaoulis.

A mass rally prevailed the events with the mass participation of youth, mostly from the ranks of EDON.

View the video here

Read the speech of the General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL Andros Kyprianou here


Worrying statements by Osman Ertug on the negotiations procedure


Speech of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL, at the mass Memorial Meeting in Honour of the martyrs Kavazoglou and Mishaoulis