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Mass bi-communal tree planting event organized by the Famagusta District Organizations of AKEL and the Turkish Republican Party CTP

22ND April 2017

ENVIRONMENTToday the first phase of the bicommunal tree planting initiative took place in Engomi Famagusta, organized by the Famagusta District Organizations of AKEL and the Republican Turkish Party (CTP).

Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot cadres and friends of both parties symbolically planted numerous trees conveying the message of peace, cooperation and the continuation of the struggle for a united, federal and prosperous Cyprus for all its inhabitants.

During the tree planting initiative, Famagusta CTP President Oktay Kayalp and AKEL Famagusta District Secretary Chrysanthos Zannettos read the following joint statement.

Joint Declaration:

The Famagusta District Committees of AKEL and the Republican Turkish Famagusta, with the symbolic tree planting event they organized on Saturday 22nd April 2017, express their will to struggle for a united Cyprus; a Cyprus of peace and cooperation of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

We once again express our support towards the efforts to achieve a comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality as described in the relevant UN resolutions; for a solution in which our city, Famagusta, will be reunited and in which Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will build their common future together. The Famagusta of the future cannot be but be a city of common coexistence, friendship, cooperation and prosperity of its Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot inhabitants.

At the same time with this symbolic tree planting event, we are also sending out an ecological message, thus contributing to the effort so that our common homeland will become even greener.

We are sending out an optimistic message for our common future to the leaders of the two communities, as well as to the Cypriot people as a whole and especially to the people of Famagusta. We are seeking a reunited Famagusta that will be the example, but also the symbol of a reunified Cyprus.


Statements by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member


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