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Local elections were a step forward and not the end of the struggle

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19th December 2016, Nicosia

dimotikes ekloges akelWe express our satisfaction with the results attained in the Elections for Local self-government, both as regards the election of local community leaders supported by AKEL, as well as the percentages the Party received in the relevant party candidate lists. AKEL has elected more Mayors than it had previously, while it recorded an increase in its electoral percentages in comparison with the May 2016 parliamentary elections.

A first reading of the election results demonstrates that AKEL fulfilled two key objectives it had set: First, to strengthen AKEL’s presence in Local Government which is very important in citizen’s day-to-day life.

Second, AKEL managed to reverse the downward trend in the Party’s election percentages that was recorded in recent election campaigns.

The Local Authority elections became a springboard for the development and further strengthening of AKEL’s dialogue and relations with society, as well as for rebuilding the relationship of trust with the people and upholding the principles that guide us. We shall continue this path towards the people and society by utilizing every possibility and opportunity. The local government elections were a step forward and not the end of the struggle. For us a new era has begun. We shall continue our struggle with our strength renewed to reinforce confidence and hope.

In this election campaign too, AKEL acted with integrity and ethically, far from excesses, mudslinging and populism, phenomena that regrettably weren’t absent from the elections as well. During the campaign AKEL projected and outlined its vision, positions and proposals on the Local Self-government BY respecting society. This is the way we believe political parties can regain people’s trust and    combat the abstention that again reached high levels.

AKEL expresses its gratitude to the members, militants, friends of the Party, as well as to the candidate Mayors, Local Community leaders and candidate lists for the significant work they have carried out during the election period.

We thank the local communities for their support. AKEL will return their support by intensifying and multiplying its struggles.

We congratulate all those who have been elected, assuring that AKEL will continue to support local authorities and the institution of local self-government in general.

AKEL will conduct a thorough analysis of the election result in the Party bodies.


AKEL statement on local election results: AKEL’s proposals were to a great extent embraced by the people


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