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Letter to GUE/NGL on Turkish citizens visa requirements issue



Gabi zimmer euThe General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou sent a letter to the President of the Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) Gabi Zimmer with regards the question of the possible lifting by the EU of the visa requirements for Turkish citizens, which is the subject of great concern and with possible severe consequences for the Republic of Cyprus and the ongoing talks for the solution of the Cyprus problem.


The letter sent to GUE/NGL President is as follows:

“I would like to raise with you, and through you with the GUE/NGL group, the issue of the possible lift by the EU of visa requirements for Turkish citizens, which is an issue of high concern and with possible serious implications for the Republic of Cyprus and the talks underway for the solution of the Cyprus problem.

As is well known, this comes as a “trade-off” between the EU and Turkey with the EU opening accession chapters as well as speeding up the process for the abolition of the visa regime for Turkish citizens in exchange for Turkey implementing the EU-Turkey readmission agreement and cooperating in the handling of the refugee crisis.  This was done in complete disregard of the International Humanitarian Law, a fact broadly criticised also by international organisations, showing clearly once again how specific expediencies and interests in the EU affect decision taking.

The specific issue is of high concern for Cyprus  and of course for AKEL given that Turkey continues for 42 years to occupy 37% of Cyprus, pursuing an unabated policy of colonisation and assimilation; given moreover that Turkey refuses to implement the Ankara Protocol and to recognize the Republic of Cyprus as one of the 28 EU Member-States.

At this point of time while we are expecting to have more detailed information and in view of the debate of the issue in the Plenary of the European Parliament this week, I would like to convey to you AKEL’s position.  We firmly believe that Turkey cannot under any circumstances be treated differently than other third countries.  The complete fulfilment of all benchmarks for lifting visa requirements represents an essential prerequisite before any decision is taken, a position taken also by the European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents and which we expect the body to maintain a principled position.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to once again thank you, our political group as a whole, and the parties represented in the Confederal group of GUE/NGL for the solidarity and principled position of support for our efforts to end the Turkish occupation of Cyprus and reunite our country and people.

I look forward to meeting you all again in June and exchange views on the issues of our common concern.”


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