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Introductory speech of Toumazos Tsielepis, Member of the Political Bureau and Head of the Office on the Cyprus problem of the C.C. of AKEL, to the thematic discusssion “The preconditions for a solution of the Cyprus problem, the role of rapprochement and the prespectives ahead” at the Programmatic Congress of AKEL


15th February 2104, Nicosia




Of course the Cyprus problem could not have been absent from the theses and thematic discussions of our Programmatic Congress. The Cyprus problem is the main problem the Cypriot people as a whole are facing. Our very future, peace, progress and the prosperity of our country and people are all dependant on the correct solution of our political problem. On the contrary, both the prolonged deadlock and a possible bad solution harbour enormous dangers for the existence and very survival of our people.


This year 40 years will have passed since the treacherous coup d’état, Turkish invasion and continuing occupation. Furthermore, 50 years will have elapsed since the presence of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on our island. The repeated attempts to find a solution all these years always ended in an impasse, in the final analysis due to the intransigence of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side, with the support or at least tolerance of their NATO allies.


The Party has Congress positions on the Cyprus problem which at least on this level are very well-known to all of us and it is not my intention to repeat them in the limited time at my disposal. Besides, at a Programmatic Congress the pressing need is to look ahead and see how we proceed, particularly in view of the critical and perhaps decisive developments that are scheduled to begin.


We strongly believe that our positions on the Cyprus problem are correct and are being vindicated by life itself. The developments surrounding the drawing up of the Anastasiades-Eroglou joint communique represent the last indicative example.  AKEL was the only political party which in defiance of the fact that no other party shared our view, warned that the goal set by the Government to achieve a new and improved communique was wrong and would lead to unnecessary adventures. Our warning was not heeded and the result was that we had losses, the most important being the deletion of the indivisible sovereignty from the joint communique. We do not say this as an act of self-vindication, but for lessons to be drawn from the developments so that similar mistakes will not be made in the course of events. We do not have the slightest doubt that precisely as the withdrawal of the Christofias-Talat joint communiques led to a qualatively inferior communique, the same and even worse will occur in the course of the talks if pre-election announcements are implemented and convergences achieved in the past will begin to be withdrawn in the name of securing better regulations.


In the draft Theses it is substantiated that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to change our Congress positions that always aimed at a solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles. Inter alia, it is noted that with the fruitless passage of time gradually undermines fundamental principles and objectives of the Greek Cypriot side: the properties of the Greek Cypriots in the occupied areas are being destroyed, changed or sold off at humiliating prices to the occupation regime through the so-called Compensation Committee that operates with the blessing of the European Court of Human Rights. Consequently, the possibilities for substantial territorial adjustments are gradually being eroded. In addition, let me recall that AKEL was for some years warning that the mass recourse to the ECHR in the final analysis would lead to unfavourable decisions, probably with political rather than legal criteria. The settlers are continuously increasing in numbers and already make up the majority in the occupied territories.  With regards the Turkish Cypriot community, neither is it pleased with the barren passage of time, precisely because it is losing its very identity as a result of the continual alteration of the demographic structure in the occupied areas.


The terrible economic situation of Cyprus makes the need for a solution even more pressing because it would give a significant boost to the economy that is constantly sinking without any prospects for a substantial recovery in the foreseeable future due to the Troika’s prescriptions.


The discovery of hydrocarbons in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus represents for both communities a new serious incentive for a solution. The Turkish Cypriots on the one hand with the solution will also be able to enjoy the benefits that will emerge. On the other hand the Greek Cypriots need a stable and secure environment that will permit the unhindered utilisation of this valuable good. At this point it is worth stressing that during the Christofias-Talat talks a full convergence on the issues of the maritime areas was achieved, which all without exception, including of course the Exclusive Economic Zone, will constitute a federal competency. In addition, the delineation of the EEC with neighbouring states and the solution of differences in line with the UN Treaty for the Law of the Sea will also come under federal competency. Furthermore, the way the federal revenues from the hydrocarbons would be distributed was agreed. In short, if this extremely important convergence is respected, with the solution of the Cyprus problem the natural gas issue too will in reality be solved.


It is for all of these reasons that despite the continuously growing difficulties, for AKEL there is no other option other than the search for and achievement of a solution based on the principles and values of International and European Law and on the UN resolutions; a solution that will reunify our country and people within the framework of a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with political equality as set out in the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. Any other option, in whatever disguise it may be dressed up, in the final analysis will lead to the final partition of Cyprus. Such a “solution” would not only constitute a sell-out of the territories of the Republic of Cyprus, but would be the starting point for new sufferings for our country and people.


Consequently, the Congress positions of AKEL on the principles, basis and content of the solution of the Cyprus problem continue to apply. Of course the solution we are seeking, namely a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with political equality, must ensure a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship, the respect of human rights and basic freedoms and in general all that are set out in our Congress positions. Within this framework, the Party has elaborated coherent positions on all aspects and chapters of the Cyprus problem without exception.


When we refer to a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with political equality we must always bear in mind a minimum general content of these concepts, without which they would constitute an empty shell. We say this because even with regards the minimum content too, directly or indirectly, through various sophisms and pretexts, it certain political forces reject it.


So what is the content of this minimum content? Federation means two levels of power, a central state and regions, each one with their own organs of power and subsequent allocation of competences between them. Bizonality means that there are two regions in the federation and that each community will administer a region. Bi-communality means that both communities will have an effective participation in the federal organs and decisions. Political equality, according to the definition of the UN Security Council, whilst not on the one hand meaning equal numerical participation in all the federal organs, but means, inter alia, effective participation and identical powers and operations of the two federated units.


The above represent the fundamentals upon which steadfast and viable alliances can be forged on the Cyprus problem.


We strongly believe that our people in their overwhelming majority are mature and ready to ratify through its free will a solution as outlined in our Congress positions and the concrete elaboration we have done on all the chapters of the Cyprus problem. Confidence building measures that will not replace the solution and will not act as a counter-incentive for it can contribute to the creation of a suitable atmosphere. Even more necessary is sincerity and clarity by the government and political forces regarding the content of a feasible solution. Only then will the people put their trust in the perspective that can open up through the solution for real security, progress, prosperity and development to the benefit of both communities. We shall continue to work for a solution based on principles and without giving a free hand we shall back the negotiation procedure that has just resumed with the hope that this time we shall arrive at the desired result.




Speech of Andros Kyprianou, G.S. of the C.C. AKEL, at the Meeting with foreign Ambassadors


Opening Speech of Stephanos Stephanou, member of the Secretariat and Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, at the Programmatic Conference of AKEL