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 Institutional ‘code of silence’ and a climate of terror are preventing the cleansing of football


15 June 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The road to the cleaning up of Cypriot football will be long and difficult because we are confronted with institutional ‘omertas’ [code of silence], cover-ups and impunity, but also a climate of terror due to extortion and bomb attacks against witnesses.

In addition, what was heard yesterday in the Parliament’s Committee on Institutions confirms that the DISY government for years has been putting obstacles in the way of any institution that could break the system and stamp out the rings. There is unquestionable responsibility because so far no one has been punished neither for any UEFA “red envelopes”, nor for match-fixing. At the same time, this state of affairs is compounded by accusations of conflict of interest of Cyprus Football Federation officials, but also by the obstruction of investigations by an official of the National Betting Authority.

Obviously we will await the outcome of both the criminal investigations and investigations carried out by the Ethics and Sports Protection Commission. But this case will not rest here. Of course, the political will that the government must demonstrate is crucial. The healthy forces of society and sport in particular must rally their forces against the established interests and rings in order to bring about a real cleansing/catharsis and bring those who are preying upon football to justice.




Speech by the General Secretary of AKEL S. Stefanou at the Event to honor the 16th June 1943 decision by AKEL


Speech by the General Secretary of AKEL S. Stefanou at the Event to honor the 16th June 1943 decision by AKEL