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Instead of comprehensive energy planning, the government has engaged in communication games – Now it’s going to have to pay the price


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th December 2019, Nicosia

At the same time as the government celebrates day and night about the Trilateral Partnerships and Alliances it has forged, it has been proved that not only have they not shielded the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus, but neither have they even led to elementary things, such as the drawing up and signing of a co-exploitation agreement with Israel.

AKEL has warned all through the previous years that there is a danger that the exploitation of the “Aphrodite” deposit might not proceed because of the non-conclusion of a co-exploitation agreement of our country with Israel.

As a matter of fact, with two letters of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL addressed to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, our Party had raised the issue of an agreement which after so many years of negotiations is still pending. Evidently, our warnings were not listened to and the government continued its communication games and tricks.

Now however the Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Energy has informed the companies that are active in the “Aphrodite” deposit that they cannot proceed to its exploitation until the dispute is resolved. Obviously the big obstacle to them is Israel’s stance and disagreements due to the greater demands set by the Israeli companies. But what has the Government and the President done about them? And what is the content of the much-advertised cooperation with Israel when the neighboring state does not consent to a self-evident and necessary bilateral agreement between our country and Israel, which is international practice and has already been concluded with Egypt?

One by one the illusions the government ruling forces has cultivated are collapsing. Instead of a comprehensive plan on energy policy, the government has engaged in a communication policy. Now it’s going to have to pay the price of these communication games.


Speech by Eleni Mavrou, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, MP and Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Committee on Internal Affairs in the debate on the 2020 State Budget


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