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How will Police institutional racism be combatted when no one will in the end be held accountable for it?


15th June 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

In the end, no one will pay for the actions and omissions on the part of the Police in the case of the murders committed of the seven women and girls which shocked our country two years ago. Evidently, the familiar policy of impunity is being implemented once again.

The Office of the Attorney General overturned the position of the former Attorney General and the criminal investigators to prosecute a number of police officers and no one will be prosecuted. We recall that even the Minister in charge and the Chief of Police had resigned after the revelation of the heinous crimes committed, not out of any sensitivity or assumption of responsibility, but only after weeks of social outcry.

Society is wondering what the justification for the seven victims of the serial killer will be?

How will institutional racism be combatted in the Police when no one will in the end be held accountable for it?


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