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GUE/NGL supports the peace process for a reunification of Ireland

Press statement of AKEL MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis

30th September 2015


Neoklis 33“The negative developments with regards the unification of Ireland are the result of the policies that are being promoted by specific sides since 2010, together with the vicious neoliberal Memoranda reforms that were imposed by the conservative British government. In these conditions and bearing in mind the dangers posed by the volatile political situation, it is now more important than ever to strengthen international solidarity with the Irish people”, stressed Neoklis Sylikiotis AKEL MEP and GUE/NGL Vice-President today from the podium of the Study Days being organized by the Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left this week in Ireland. The discussion focused on developments regarding the unification of Ireland and the resolution of conflicts in the country.

In his own opening Neoklis Sylikiotis as the moderator of the discussion stressed that AKEL especially understands the value of peace and the difficulties of the struggle for reunification. As he pointed out, although the conditions in Cyprus are very different given that we are struggling to reverse and lift the Turkish occupation, nonetheless our goal is the reunification of Cyprus and its people. Neoklis Sylikiotis noted that as a consequence we can very well understand the struggle that the party of Sinn Fein is waging which, together with other progressive forces, are actively engaged in a peace process and struggling for a united Ireland.

In closing, AKEL MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis underlined that the Group of GUE/NGL strongly believes in the unification of Ireland and supports the peace process for the reunification of the country so that democracy and peace will prevail.

Sinn Fein MP Mickey Brady, GUE/NGL MEP Josu Juaristi from Bildu, economist Michael Burke and Anne Cadwallader official of the “Pat Finucane Centre” organisation also participated in the discussion.




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