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Government double talk also on the Belarus sanctions issue

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th September 2020, Nicosia

The Government spokesman Mr. Kousios stated on the morning program of Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (RIK) that Cyprus does not link the sanctions imposed on Belarus with the sanctions on Turkey. He literally stated that “in no way does Cyprus say it will not vote, it will not consent to the imposition of sanctions on Belarus if sanctions are not imposed on Turkey. It is a matter of principles.” Indeed, he added that we must not link the two issues.

What the Government Spokesperson stated today totally contradicts what the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Christodoulides was stating in triumphant tones that he sought and succeeded in achieving in the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers. He stated that he succeeded in linking the two issues and that – literally – “the link – which we had sought – was accepted by the majority of our partners”.

What is the government’s position in the end? The government must clarify what applies and what position it will eventually support at the European Council.

The only thing that is certain is that the government’s double talk self-negates the country and reveals that its celebrations far from reflect reality.


Problems, including the Cyprus problem, must be solved based on international law and the relevant UN resolutions


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