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From 2021 AKEL warned about Anastasiades’ Interior Minister Nouris’ decision to install barbed wire along the buffer zone

AKEL General Secretary of DISY President’s letter:

11 July 2024, Dialogos portal

Intervention in social media platforms by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou, against the backdrop of the letter sent by the President of the Democratic Rally DISY party, Anita Demetriou, to the President of the Republic, Nicos Christodoulides, concerning the Cyprus problem.

More specifically, the reason for this intervention by St. Stefanou, was point 3 of DISY’s recommendations to the President.

In its recommendations, the Democratic Rally party also referred to the fence erected along the ‘Green Line’, the barbed wire and gates which (to recall) were installed during the administration of Nicos Anastasiades – DISY party with citizens, organized groups and political parties strongly opposing this action at the time.

“AKEL raised the danger nature of this action by the then government from the very beginning, but certain forces have just now remembered it.” This is recorded in an intervention today by the General Secretary of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanou.

“In politics, intervention at the essential time is of immense importance. AKEL has been point out since March 2021 that “The government’s decision to erect an 11-kilometre fence along the ‘Green Line’…, while far from serving the declared objective, also sends dangerous political messages. Some have now remembered this. Albeit belatedly.


Speech by Neoklis Sylikiotis, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, at the event in memory and honour of the Hero Sotiris Adamou Konstantinou


Statement by the Central Committee of AKEL on the results of the 9th June elections