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Flaws and weaknesses in the Ministry of Education’s handling of the situation in Education

Statement by AKEL MP and C.C. member Andros Kafkalias following the debate in the Parliamentary Committee on Education

27th April 2020, Nicosia

It is true that the pandemic and the tribulations it brought with it could not be predicted. At the same time it is also true that the closure of schools has led to an unprecedented situation in which of course it would not be possible for everything to progress smoothly.

However, it is also true that:

  • The Ministry of Education was unprepared to apply modern technological teaching methods.
  • The ‘Teams’ program has been available since 2016, without any existing preparation whatsoever or it being utilised.
  • The Ministry of Education failed to ensure the right of all children to the educational procedure. At the same time, it is hiding the truth and misleading. The reality is that even today, a month and a half after the decision to close the schools, thousands of school pupils remain without tablets and technological support.
  • Without central planning and scientific support, the Ministry of Education is proving incapable of effectively guiding distance education effectively, despite the enormous efforts teachers and students are making. We wonder at this point: how many and which specialist scientists in distance learning has the Ministry made use of?
  • Teachers, school pupils and parents are under a lot of pressure which is exacerbated by the Ministry of Education’s regressions and vague circulars and instructions.
  • The problems in the field of Special Education are more serious, as programs have been suspended, while the special units and the support and literacy programs have been left without guidance and a plan in place.
  • Graduate school pupils and their parents are extremely anxious and worried due to the uncertainty as to what will happen with the pan-Cypriot exams. Decisions must be made, the material announced, and the Ministry’s planning should be submitted.
  • The increase in the number of positions in Public Universities for enrollment and transfer, under these conditions, is a measure that must be implemented.
  • The taking of measures and provision of facilities for vulnerable groups is a pressing need, which will be put under even more pressure in the near future, putting social cohesion in increasing danger.

While we recognize the work that has been done, especially by teachers and pupils, to keep the educational process alive, we are however obliged to point out that the Ministry of Education did not do its best.


SME’s and small employers can’t afford the tests for workers


Decisions to gradually bring us back to normality must be taken on the basis of specific principles