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Decisions to gradually bring us back to normality must be taken on the basis of specific principles

Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou

Necessary precautionary measures need to be taken to ensure that the virus does not spread again

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th April 2020, Nicosia

The whole of humanity for months has been suffering greatly from the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has hit Cyprus too, along with the rest of humanity. It has caused numerous problems. Human lives have been lost, while hundreds of our compatriots have fallen ill, some seriously and some less so.

The public health system, which had been dismantled by the Anastasiades government’s policies, was tested, but has endured. Society, but also our country’s economy in a few years are going through a second tough ordeal that has negative consequences above all on the working people and people on low incomes in particular.

After approximately two months with strict restrictive measures being implemented, there appears to be a ray of optimism that gradually and provided that all the precautionary measures are applied, we will begin to return to normal conditions. This result was made possible with the cooperation of various factors. The healthcare workers and professionals, who excelled themselves and with real self-sacrifice took care of the coronavirus patients, were at the forefront of this effort, as well as the scientists who advised the government on the measures that needed to be taken. The government, which, even though belatedly and due to the pressure being exerted on it, implemented the proposals put forth by the scientific committee. The political parties supported the entire effort, by greatly reducing their criticism. But above all, it is the people that were leading the way, who endured this ordeal and cooperated for the practical application of the measures. Throughout this process, problems and shortcomings have been identified, which we will discuss when the time is right.

Now is the time to take decisions that will gradually bring us back to normality. These decisions must be taken by the government on the basis of specific principles, which as AKEL we put forth at the recent meeting with the President of the Republic.

  1. What matters most is people’s health. Any decisions taken must be accompanied by appropriate precautionary measures to minimize the risk of a return of the pandemic as much as possible. Those competent to propose these measures are the specialists and scientists. The government must take political decisions based on the proposals that will be submitted by them.

It is extremely important that expediencies and interests wherever they may come from should not in any way affect decision making. Furthermore, these decisions must be very clear, without contradictions and regressions, which unfortunately had been observed in previous stages.

  1. The restart of the economy is hugely important. However, this needs to be done in a way that minimizes the impact on public health. That is why the necessary precautionary measures need to be taken in order to ensure that the virus does not spread again.

It is important that those sectors of the economy that will not lead to a large gathering of individuals, but also the professions where the possibility exists for them to be practiced outdoors, should be activated in the first stage. These sectors must be determined objectively by the relevant government departments.

  1. An important element that must also be taken into account is the fatigue and needs of society, families and individuals. Any measures taken should bear in mind the psychological dimension, given that we have gone through a long period of social isolation. The necessary precautions must be taken in these cases too.
  2. Finally, it is clear that the more important it is to take the correct decisions, the more important it is to implement them correctly.



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