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DISY Party present on the annual service in Memory of Grivas


Statement by AKEL C.C. Press Office Spokesman Georgios Loucaides 

28th January 2013, Nicosia


The Democratic Rally party (DISY) through its leading official Demetris Taliadorou and the presence of a large number of other leading members of Mr. Anastasiade´s party are once again provoking in an offensive way the feelings of our country’s democratic citizens, by paying homage and honouring the devastator/ruiner of Cyprus, Georgios Grivas.


Mr. Anastasiade´s DHSY party and the extreme-right wing organized groups persist in glorifying the founder and leader of EOKA B George Grivas, in so doing endorsing his fascist, intolerant and putschist subversive activity.


Their provocative stand continues to perpetuate division among our people at a time when unity is necessary more than ever before.


Moreover, the DHSY party and Mr. Anastasiades are continuing their attempts to revise and distort our country’s recent history, voting against the parliamentary finding on the File of Cyprus, by paying tribute ​​to the eight-day “president” of the government of the coup d’état Nikos Sampson and to the commando troops who attacked the Presidential Palace and by the “reinstatement” the 62 (Note: this refers to the first political decision taken by the Clerides DHSY administration to reinstate 62 public servants back to their former posts after their dismissal because of their participation in the coup d’état against the constitutional order).


At the same time when in a number of other countries participants in coup d’états are wanted, tried and convicted, even people in their old age too, for their fascist activity and the crimes they caused or committed, in Cyprus there hasn’t even been any admission of a mistake for the criminal activities of EOKA B and its leader Grivas.


On the contrary, instead of a remorse and repentance, the DHSY party provided political shelter to the putschists of the coup d’état and even to this day is attempting by all means to offer cover and achieve the vindication of the crime committed and of its protagonists.


Mr. Anastasiades, himself a counsellor defendant of EOKA B members, is staunchly leading the efforts to conceal and vindicate the most hideous crime committed in our country’s modern history.


We do not expect another “mea culpa” to be issued by Mr. Anastasiades on this question, since all his other “mea culpa” were insincere and hypocritical and were made for election-vote purposes. In this specific case it doesn’t serve the purpose of fishing for votes, simply because Mr. Anastasiades and his party continue to embrace a large section of the extreme right politically and for votes.


Discours d’Andros Kyprianou, Secrétaire Général du C.C d’AKEL, lors du débat sur le Budget de l’Etat


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