Home  |  News>Cyprus Problem   |  Declaration of Solidarity of Communist, Workers and progressive parties for the freedom and reunification of Cyprus, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the coup and the Turkish invasion and occupation 

Declaration of Solidarity of Communist, Workers and progressive parties for the freedom and reunification of Cyprus, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the coup and the Turkish invasion and occupation 


Recalling that forty years ago, in July 1974, the Junta of Athens together with the fascist EOKA B’ procceded to execute ​​a coup d’etat against the elected President of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios III,

– Recalling that Turkey took advantage of the coup d’etat to realise its expansionist ambitions in Cyprus, illegally invading the island and that until today Turkey is flagrantly violating International Law through the continuing occupation of 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, the violation of human rights and freedoms of the people of Cyprus, the ongoing attempt to alter the demographic character of the island through the policy of mass colonization,


– Recalling that the twin crime of the coup d’etat and invasion was drawn up and elaborated by the U.S. and NATO aiming at the partition and “double enosis” of Cyprus between Greece and Turkey, who were both members of NATO,


– Noting that after 40 years Cyprus is still experiencing the tragic consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation,


– Reiterating that the Cyprus problem is in essence an international problem of invasion and illegal occupation, in violation of fundamental principles of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations,


– Noting that Cyprus also has an internal aspect, the restoration of the relations between the two communities of Cyprus, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot,


The Communist, Workers and progressive parties who sign the Declaration,


  1. Denounce the intransigent policy of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership, a policy that perpetuates the Cyprus problem and consolidates the partitionist faits accomplis on the ground,
  2. Declare that the tolerance shown by the international community towards the continuing illegality taking place for 40 years in Cyprus is unacceptable and must end immediately,
  3. Demand the solution of the Cyprus problem as soon as possible on the basis of International Law and the resolutions of the UN Security Council. The solution must restore human rights and freedoms within the framework of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as defined by the relevant UN resolutions,
  4. Demand lasting peace that will in practise allow the reunification, independence and freedom of the people of Cyprus as a whole,
  5. Call for the immediate verification of the fate of the missing persons of the Cyprus tragedy,
  6. Express their full solidarity and support to the just struggle of the Cypriot people.


Parties signing:

  1. Communist Party of Austria
  2. National Liberation Front of Bahrain
  3. Communist Party of Bangladesh
  4. Communist Party Wallonia-Brussels
  5. Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB)
  6. Communist Party of Britain
  7. New Communist Party of Britain
  8. Progressive Party of the Working People – AKEL
  9. Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia
  10. Communist Party in Denmark
  11. Unified Communist Party of Georgia (UCPG)
  12. German Communist Party (DKP)
  13. The Left (Die Linke)
  14. Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
  15. SYRIZA
  16. Communist Party of Finland
  17. French Communist Party (PCF)
  18. Hungarian Workers’ Party
  19. Communist Party f India (CPI)
  20. Tudeh Party of Iran
  21. Iraqi Communist Party
  22. Workers Party of Ireland
  23. Party of the Italian Communists
  24. Party of the Communist Refoundation
  25. Lebanese Communist Party
  26. Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL)
  27. The Left (Déi Lénk) Luxembourg
  28. Communist Party of Mexico
  29. Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
  30. Communist Party of Pakistan
  31. Palestinian People’s Party (PPP)
  32. Philippine Communist Party
  33. Portuguese Communist Party (PCP)
  34. Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)
  35. Russian Communist Workers Party
  36. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  37. Communists of Serbia
  38. South African Communist Party (SACP)
  39. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  40. Galizan People’s Union
  41. Syrian Communist Party
  42. Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
  43. Communist Party of USA
  44. Communist Party of Venezuela



AKEL on the 40th anniversary of the Turkish invasion


AKEL warns of the enormous danger of a deadlock in the Cyprus Problem