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Cyprus among the last places in the Renewables table

Statement by the Environmental Affairs Bureau of the C.C.

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th January 2021, Nicosia

Recent figures released by the European Statistical Office revealing that Cyprus is third from the bottom in the table on electricity consumption from Renewable Energy Sources (RES), are an indictment of the government’s policy in this area.

When a country that has the geographical, climatic and environmental advantages that Cyprus has and is in the bottom places in the table on the utilization of RES, one thing is shown: That the government lacks the vision, the planning and the ability to elaborate a comprehensive strategy which it should implement with determination and competency.

If we take into account the fact that the government has left electricity generation dependent only on conventional liquid fuels such as fuel oil, then it is responsible for the huge damage it is causing to the environment and our country’s economy.



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