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Co-management of energy issues only within the framework of the solution of the Cyprus problem

Statement by Aristos Damianou, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th February 2018, Nicosia

The statements made by the so-called finance and energy minister of the occupied areas Mr. Nami do not help at all, but on the contrary undermine the effort for a de-escalation of the crisis.

There is no question of a co-management of energy issues, while with the force of arms, Turkey is illegally occupying part of our homeland. Our political position remains unchanged. The Turkish Cypriot community, as an integral part of our people, will also have a say and rights to the natural resources of Cyprus only within the framework of the solution of the Cyprus problem; a solution that will ensure that Cypriots, without any foreign impositions and interventions, will be co-managing their common future in conditions of freedom and security, without troops and occupations. Besides, the Christofias – Talat convergence on natural resource and revenue sharing issues addresses energy issues in a comprehensive manner.

Declarations that keep Turkey in the frame of developments and include the issuing of indirect threats to prevent the exercise of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus do not serve the well-intentioned interests of neither Greek Cypriots, but nor of Turkish Cypriots. On the contrary, they serve only Turkey and ultimately serve the promotion of nationalism and its goals.

The priority right now is the de-escalation of the crisis, the continuation of the energy planning and the creation of the preconditions for a resumption of the dialogue within the framework and under the auspices of the UN.


AKEL warns that the cheap rhetoric and prevailing atmosphere cultivated by some for the imposition of measures that will be raising the wall of partition are damaging and must stop


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