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Anniversary of the 1967 fascist coup in Greece

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 21st April 2014, Nicosia



The black anniversary of the coup d’état of the Greek junta on 21st April 1967 awakes in us all the horrendous memories of the dissolution of democracy in the country that gave birth to it and of the great suffering the seven years of brutal dictatorship that followed brought to the Greek people.

In particular for the people of Cyprus, the 21st April anniversary awakens painful memories about the double crime committed against Cyprus. The junta of Greece, acting as a puppet of its NATO masters, organized and executed together with EOKA B the fascist coup d’état of 15th July 1974, which gave Turkey the pretext to invade Cyprus and occupy a large part of our homeland. The struggle of the democratic forces in Greece, the bloody events of the Polytechnic uprising and the betrayal of Cyprus eventually led to the collapse of the junta fascist regime that was imposed on 21st April – Cyprus however is still suffering from its severe consequences, as well as from the invasion and on-going occupation. The open wounds left behind by the coup d’état of 21st April will only finally heal when Cyprus is liberated from the Turkish occupation and is reunited in conditions of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights.

Today, more than ever before, the active memory of the suffering and pain caused by the coup d’état of 21st April 1967 and the dictatorship is imperative. Unfortunately, this year’s 47th anniversary coincides with the revival of the fascist phenomenon, both in Greece and Cyprus. The fascist, nationalist, racist and prejudiced ideologies of the “Golden Dawn” party in Greece and “ELAM” in Cyprus are indistinguishable from those forces which shielded politically the coup d’état and perpetuated the junta for seven years.

At the same time, the anniversary of the junta coup conveys critical lessons about the need to defend democracy against the multiple dangers of subversion, respect for democratic institutions, the commitment to people’s interest and the unity of the people on common purposes.

Lessons for us all also arise from the struggle against dictatorship, in which the people of the Left were in the forefront, as well as all the fighters for democracy, who defended human dignity, democracy and freedom. These struggles today convey the message to the progressive forces for resistance and struggle against the revival of fascism and the extreme-right, against the Memoranda policies of the Troika, against authoritarianism and the attempts to restrict national sovereignty.

At the same time, the struggles the democratic forces have always waged also convey the message of resistance to those who may seek to exploit the dire economic situation which our country is going through because of the banking crimes in order to impose an unacceptable solution to the Cyprus problem. At the same time, however, the dangers to the Cyprus problem from the banking crisis cannot be used by opponents of a federal solution as an excuse for perpetuating the division. Even more so when a just under the circumstances solution of the Cyprus problem is the safest way also for our country’s economic recovery. The liberation and reunification of Cyprus, consequently, cannot be achieved either through inconsistent policies or by projecting nice-sounding but empty slogans.

For AKEL there is no alternative other than the just solution of the Cyprus problem. It is an extremely difficult struggle, but one we have to wage because we know that the longer we allow time to pass without any results, in the end we will be left with the nightmarish scenario of partition and our people will be condemned to new woes, pain and suffering.

Our weapons in this effort are the long-standing positions of the Greek Cypriot side, International and European law, the UN resolutions and the High Level Agreements.

On the occasion of this black anniversary, AKEL condemns once again in the strongest possible manner the coup d’état of the Greek junta and fascism. We pay tribute to the democratic resistance fighters, both in Greece and Cyprus, who fought and sacrificed their lives in the struggle against the junta.

AKEL expresses its gratitude to the Greek people who have always been our most basic base of support in our struggle for a just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem. We also express our solidarity and hope that the Greek people to overcome the difficulties, free themselves from the inhuman noose of the Troika and Memoranda and take the course of growth and prosperity.


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Eroglu must prove in practice he really is seeking a solution