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Anastasiades has set the promotion of his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections as his priority

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th September 2017, Nicosia

The statements of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Cyprus Elizabeth Spahar once again clear up what the International Organization expects from the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot side. The UN expects the two sides to express their positions on the Guterres framework, but also to state how they approach the way forward on the Cyprus problem.

Straight after the failure of the Crans Montana Conference and the relevant statements of the UN Secretary-General, AKEL called on Mr. Anastasiades to prepare an action plan and take initiatives so that the Greek Cypriot does everything on its part for the creation of the preconditions for the continuation of the negotiations from the point where they had left off.

Unfortunately, Mr. Anastasiades didn’t do so. Setting the promotion of his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections as his priority, he didn’t consult with the political forces, he didn’t make any move whatsoever, he didn’t take any initiative of any kind at the very moment when – Turkey relieved of any responsibilities – is trying to consolidate the fait accompli of the invasion and occupation. Though Mr. Anastasiades will meet UN Secretary-General soon, no one knows what he is going to say to him and how he is thinking of handling developments.

The stalemate on the Cyprus problem is dangerous, but in view of this situation, Mr. Anastasiades is passively watching developments, proceeding only to issuing statements for domestic consideration and consumption.


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