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AKEL’s proposals for tackling energy poverty


Statement AKEL Political Bureau member and Head of Economic Policy Haris Polycarpou

10 February 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

At a time when fuel prices and the high cost of living are on the rise, the government continues to turn a blind eye, leaving society unprotected. Ten years ago, Averof Neophytou and DISY party were staging communication fiestas shedding crocodile tears about fuel prices, but today they cant find a single word to say about price hikes and the high cost of living.

AKEL’s proposal has been before society from the very first moment with demands such as the reduction of the VAT on electricity to 9% for all, the abolition of the double taxation on fuel and in particular the imposition of VAT on the consumer tax and for a reduction in VAT and a cap on essential goods.

AKEL’s proposal aims at curbing price rises and tackling the energy poverty that affects a big section of the people.


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