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AKEL won’t remain indifferent to the collapse of public hospitals


AKEL expresses its full support for public hospital doctors

29 September 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

AKEL expresses its full support for the doctors of Public Hospitals who are demanding the obvious for themselves, their patients and the salvation of public hospitals.

The state health services OKYPY is being criticized because 4 years after the approval of its founding legislation, it has not even proceeded to prepare a roadmap for the implementation of its key policies. It has not proceeded to increase staff, provide more equipment for hospitals and implement the structures as signed in the agreement with doctors in 2020, while the constant complaints by OKYPY workers about unilateral decisions, authoritarian behavior and a lack of consultation, are anything but a modern way of managing public hospitals.

Never since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus have there been so many mobilisations in the health sector as under the Anastasiades-DISY government. It is the government of Anastasiades – DISY that appointed the Board of Directors of Public Hospitals, therefore it is also responsible for the way in which they administer and implement the political decision for the autonomy of Public Hospitals. Interventions when a crisis breaks out are not enough. The assumption of esponsibility and political decisions by the government are needed to stop the downward spiral of the public health system.

AKEL won’t remain apathetic to the collapse of public hospitals due to OKYPY’s inefficiency and inaction. We will defend public hospitals because we are defending the NHS!


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