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AKEL Political Bureau statement on the situation in the health sector and course of reforms


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 1 June 2018, Nicosia

healthcare econIn its session yesterday, the Political Bureau of AKEL examined the situation in the health sector and the course of the reforms.

AKEL, together with trade unions, patients and society, acted in a catalytic way for the approval of the relevant parliamentary bills for the establishment of a National Health Scheme (NHS) and the promotion of the autonomy of state hospitals, despite the fact that the entire effort has been undermined by leading officials of the government and the ruling DISY party.

One year after the unanimous vote in favour of the relevant draft bills, we conclude that public hospitals have been left to falter and are being driven to collapse, despite the fact that according to the July 2016 agreement and planning they should have been strengthened and modernized so that they could form the backbone of the health services within the framework of the NHS.

More specifically, the public health sector is facing serious problems such as:

  1. Understaffing, occupational exhaustion of doctors and nurses and staff fleeing to the private sector
  2. Meagre financing of services and overburdening of infrastructures and clinics
  3. Large waiting lists
  4. Administrative malfunction and absence of basic procedures, protocols and guidelines
  5. Lack of consumables and elementary medical tools
  6. Low levels of investment due to the imposition of government cuts and aging infrastructures
  7. There has been no recruitment of administrative staff for the implementation of internal reforms required in public hospitals.
  8. Lack of staffing in specific specialties
  9. Absence of a comprehensive training program for health professionals
  10. Lack of basic support services, secretarial services,

This unacceptable situation in the health sector has led to thousands of our fellow citizens not having have access to decent health and medical care or being driven to economic disaster. In many cases the price is not only human dignity, but also human life itself.

At the same time, we stress that the situation in the public health system is setting the smooth and sustainable implementation of the NHS in danger.

As AKEL, we reiterate that the problems in the health sector, as well as reforms cannot be approached by issuing wishes and declarations of intent, but through practical efforts to promote modernization, administrative reorganization, substantial investment and political and social consensus.

This situation evidently suits certain circles and forces, few in number but economically powerful who profit by sustaining the most unequal health system throughout the EU and the developed world, and by perpetuating speculation in the health system.

AKEL, having public interest at heart and defending the principle that health is an inalienable social right that is directly linked to life itself and citizen’s dignity, urges society to be constantly on alert, mobilized and to rally forces so that the public health system is upgraded and modernized and, thus, successfully complete the reform effort in the health sector.


The government allocates just 2.2% of GDP for the public health system, the lowest percentage across the EU


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