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AKEL on worrying intensification of authoritarianism in Turkey


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 29th July 2016, Nicosia

tirkey coup intAKEL is monitoring with deep concern the developments in Turkey that followed the failed coup d’état on 15th July. On the pretext of purging the putchists from the public domain, and in parallel with the brutal treatment of soldiers who participated in the coup d’état, the Erdogan government is relentlessly proceeding to a witch hunt in various directions. Civil servants, journalists, academics, trade unions and parties of the Left are subject to a medieval persecution which is dismantling every notion of democracy in whose name these actions are supposedly taking place. These actions have already been denounced by many sides.

The coup d’état was correctly condemned by all the opposition sides in Turkey, but also internationally. However, it must not escape our attention that a number of EU member states and other Atlantic allies of Turkey hesitated to do so during the execution of the coup. The latter raises questions about the role of foreign circles.

At the same time, it is a fact that the presence of the Turkish people on the streets was a key factor in the failure of the coup d’état, despite the fact that the extreme actions of the supporters of Erdogan marred this action. Apart from these circles a large progressive section of the people resisted because of its real democratic beliefs despite the fact that politically they are resisting Erdogan’s policies. Among them are the Kurds, communists, progressive movements, intellectuals etc.

However many of them are now being targeted by the authoritarian persecution waged by the Erdogan government which took the opportunity to seek the silencing of various progressive voices in the country. The arrest of 60,000 civil servants and the dismissal of 1,577 Rectors and Vice-Rectors, as well as more than 200,000 teachers is frightening, even more so when all this is done in the name of protecting “democracy”.

AKEL expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party (KP), the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), the Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP), the Labour Party (EMEP) and other progressive forces who are struggling against their country becoming fascist, for a sustainable democracy in their homeland that does not interfere in foreign states and defends peace, social justice and worker’s rights. AKEL maintains bilateral relations with these Parties that are based on mutual respect and the common desire for a solution of the Cyprus problem, for the termination of interventions in the internal affairs of states and for peaceful relations among the countries of our region stricken by wars.


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