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AKEL on World Theatre Day



28 March 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

AKEL honors World Theatre Day with our thoughts with the thousands of artists and workers in the field of theatre. They are the people who are waging their own battle for the further development of the Art of Theatre in Cyprus as an activity that contributes significantly to the our people’s social, economic and intellectual development, but also to the consolidation of democracy, collectivity, solidarity and human rights of all citizens.

At the same time, they are also waging their own separate battle for the much desired professional registration/recognition and the acceleration of the submission and passing of a relevant bill that takes into account the special working conditions of those employed in the theatre sector, ensuring them an adequate system of social protection. Unemployment, part-time employment, non-stable and permanent employment, the non-provision of intellectual and related rights and basic social benefits are the main problems faced by all creators of culture.

Creative artists and theatre workers must be able to make a living from the work they create. The establishment of a Deputy Ministry of Culture should naturally lead to an upgrading of the government’s interest in theatre and culture in general, both by increasing the funds allocated in the state budget and improving both support schemes and infrastructures. Unfortunately, instead of further support, we note a deterioration in the procedures for the timely approval of funds and the coverage of more theatre groups and artists.

AKEL calls on the government to proceed without any further delay with the tabling of the bill for the professional recognition of artists, while supporting theatrical creation. The Thymeli programme needs both increased funds and the modernisation of the criteria for providing financial support.

Once again, AKEL sends the message of recognition of the multifaceted work and practical support for those employed in the field of culture. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the death of Vladimir Kafkarides, AKEL will proceed with the organisation of events that will honor the enormous contribution of this leading theatre figure, but will also further highlight the fundamental role that theatre plays in our society.




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