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AKEL on UN Secretary-General’s Special Advisor interview on the Cyprus problem

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 23rd July 2017, Nicosia

The government, through its Spokesman, replying to what UN Secretary-General Special Advisor on Cyprus Mr. Eide said in his interview with the “Cyprus News Agency”, is yet again claiming that no one can question that it is Turkey that led the discussions at Crans Montana to a deadlock.

The problem is that despite Turkey indeed bearing the main responsibility for the impasse, no one among the international community is apportioning responsibility on the occupying power – neither the UN, nor the EU or anyone else. And not only that! The UN has completely relieved Turkey from having a responsibility for the continuation of the procedure and pins it on the two Cypriot sides.

Turkey left Switzerland having been relieved of any responsibility, even securing the thanks of the UN Secretary-General for its contribution to the conference. The President of the Republic bears responsibilities for this negative development, who, as a result of his misguided handlings, indecisiveness, regressions and pre-election expediencies, not only in Switzerland but even before as well, allowed Turkey to play tactical games and eventually win the publicity game in relation to the Conference

In his interview, UN SC Special Advisor on Cyprus Mr. Eide gave a different version of what was had happened at the crucial dinner during the last night of the Conference, than the one the President has portrayed. According to Mr. Eide at the Conference, there was a realistic possibility of an agreement being reached that the guarantees and rights of intervention would be abolished from the first moment, that the number of troops would be reduced to what the Treaty of Alliance provides for (950 Greeks and 650 Turks) and that what remained open was whether there would be a withdrawal or review clause.

We will not dwell on who is right about the events of the Conference. What matters is the day after. The President of the Republic has the responsibility to plan the Greek Cypriot side’s next moves for the creation of the preconditions for the resumption of the negotiations. He must do this soon so that even at this moment the position expressed by the international community that a modern state cannot have guarantees, rights of intervention and occupation troops should be utilized.


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