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AKEL on Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu’s positions

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22 April 2018, Nicosia

On the occasion of what is being broadcasted as positions reportedly made by the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu in favour of a solution of confederation in his meeting with Turkish Cypriot leader Mr. Akinci, AKEL points out the following:

  1. As long as the Cyprus problem remains unsolved, views and positions in favour of other solutions other than the agreed basis of the solution of bi-communal, bizonal federation with political equality as described in the relevant UN resolutions will increasingly be coming to the fore.
  2. The deadlock on the Cyprus problem, accompanied by Turkey being acquitted of any responsibilities for the breakdown of the conference at Crans Montana, is being exploited by the occupying power to promote its plans for making partition permanent.
  3. The best response to the reported positions that were expressed by the Turkish Foreign Minister for a solution of confederation is our own persistence and consistency to the agreed framework of the solution. Anything else would simply serve the policy of consolidating the de facto partition, the illegal Turkish occupation and the division of Cyprus.
  4. The need is imperative to continue the effort to achieve an overall solution of the Cyprus problem; a solution which will liberate and reunite the country and the people. The only way to realize this goal is to insist on a resumption of the negotiations on the line which has been charted by the UN Secretary-General Mr. Guterres in his Report.
  5. The fact that the Turkish Cypriot leader – according to the press reports – remains committed to the solution of a bicommunal, bizonal federation is positive, but the passage of time makes the prospect of reaching a solution increasingly difficult.
  6. The continuation of the effort to achieve a solution is a historic responsibility of the leaders of the two communities, which they must serve with consistency and continuity, regardless of any difficulties.

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