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AKEL on the revelations made by the former Central Bank Governor about Nicos Anastasiades

Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th October 2017, Nicosia

“POLITIS” newspaper today published revelations made by the former Governor of the Central Bank disclosing that Mr. Anastasiades was fully aware that closely relatives of his would make significant capital outflows abroad just before the “haircut” on bank deposits.

Mr. Anastasiades and the ruling DISY party must at long last give an answer to the thousands of “haircut” bank depositors who have lost their life savings, as well as to the thousands of citizens who saw their lives destroyed after the devastating haircut:

– How comes the President knew about the “haircut”, indeed those in the know are adamant that the President himself has proposed it, whilst at the same time he was pledging to the public that there wouldn’t be any haircut?

– How is it possible, with his full knowledge, that close relatives of his were taking millions of Euros abroad just before the “haircut” when thousands of citizens were proceeding like sheep into the slaughter?

– Why has the big banking scandal never been solved? When will the truth finally be revealed?

Nicos Anastasiades has the obligation, since he is making an assessment of his grim five-year period before the people, to inform the haircut bank depositors, bondholders and the citizens who suffered from the disaster of the 15th March 2013 decision, about his own role and grave responsibilities.

He has an obligation to answer why he proposed and agreed to the haircut on bank deposits, while making pledges to do exactly the opposite.

He has an obligation to explain why his close relatives were transferring millions abroad shortly before the haircut and he himself knew it.


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