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AKEL on the gradual lifting of restrictions in movements from the crossing points between the free and occupied areas

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22 May 2020, Nicosia

AKEL welcomes the decision to gradually lift the restrictions in the movement from the crossing points between the free and occupied areas, with the implementation of appropriate health protection measures. The measure regarding the crossing of motor vehicles for Greek Cypriots and Maronites enclaved peoples and Turkish Cypriots who are working, studying or receiving medical treatment in the free areas, is a first step, so that when epidemiological conditions permit, the crossing points can operate once again.

As regards the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Health, AKEL had and still has the view that it constitutes a useful instrument for dialogue and cooperation between the two communities, which can and must be used to address relevant issues for the benefit of all Cypriots.


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