AKEL on the Genocide of the Greeks of Pontus
18 May 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia
AKEL commemorates the memory of the victims of the Genocide of the Greeks of Pontus, who suffered massacres, exile, hangings and extermination as part of the organised political extermination of the Greeks by the Young Turks.
Cyprus, by a parliamentary resolution approved unanimously, recognised the Genocide of the Greeks of Pontus in 1994. At the same time, AKEL, together with the entire Cypriot people, supports the struggle for the International Recognition of the Genocide of the Pontian Greeks. The 19th May is also a day of remembrance of what the Greeks of Pontus suffered after their uprooting – the stigmatisation, prejudice and even attacks – that they experienced as refugees.
On this occasion, AKEL addresses a greeting of solidarity and friendship to all the Pontians living in our homeland. The cultural activity of the Pontian associations on our island is a valuable institution for the preservation of the identity, history and heritage of Pontian Hellenism and is an asset for our country.