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AKEL on developments surrounding the Committee on Missing Persons

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th April 2019, Nicosia

AKEL expresses its deep concern and anxiety about the way the government is handling the foremost humanitarian issue of the Cyprus problem, that is to say the issue of the missing persons, as well as concerning the latest developments surrounding the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP).

The government is called upon to answer the following:

  • What has the government got to say about the rumours on the reasons that led to the termination of Mr. Nestora’s appointment from the CMP?
  • Doesn’t the appointment made by the President of the Republic violate the CMP’s mandate, which state that “no person directly concerned with the issue of missing persons may be appointed”? Doesn’t this create problems for the functioning of the CMP? The Turkish Cypriot media have already highlighted this issue. AKEL makes clear that it has no issue with the person who has been appointed. The issue is purely institutional.

The government in the space of a few days has been caught for a second time acting in violation of the mandate and legislation. Both the appointment of Mr. Mavroyiannis as Permanent Representative to the UN while also holding the post of chief negotiator, as well yesterday’s appointment to the CMP, show either ignorance of the rules and laws or represents a deliberate violation on the part of the government.


The President's verbal declarations that he is ready to continue the talks from where they had remained are not in line with his regression on effective participation


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