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AKEL on Anastasiades’ sad statement about the invasion as “forgotten”

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th January 2018, Nicosia

It is with great surprise that we heard the outgoing President of the Republic characterize the invasion as “forgotten”. This is a sad statement that follows what we heard as unacceptable just a few days ago with regards the Exclusive Economic Zone. As the old saying goes, “A smart man shall refrain from faltering twice”.

Mr. Anastasiades of course goes on to say that he himself is trying by all means to dampen Turkish intransigence in order to reverse the fait accomplis of the otherwise “forgotten” invasion. But what is the way to do so Mr. Anastasiades? Judging by the result, certainly not with the handlings you made in Crans Montana, which in the words of the UN Secretary-General himself, concluded in Turkey’s exoneration and in an honorable reference to its position on the issues of security, guarantees and the occupation troops.

Mr. Anastasiades’ vacillating inconsistent handlings and statements, which are continuing, lead to one and definite conclusion: What he had to give as regards the Cyprus problem he has given. It is time for the Cypriot people to choose the only candidate who wants and knows how to move forward, within the agreed framework and on the basis of principles, as the UN Secretary-General is calling for, to offer a genuine perspective for a solution. And that candidate is Stavros Malas.


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