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AKEL on the migration crisis


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 7th September 2015, Nicosia

migrants intAKEL expresses once again its deep sorrow and indignation at the refugee crisis created by the on-going imperialist wars and neoliberal policies of the new world order. A clear example is the destabilization of the entire Middle East with the assistance of the US, NATO and the EU. Their expansionist policies are forcing millions of people to abandon their countries in search of safety and the protection of their lives and the lives of their children by choosing as their main outlet the developed countries, mainly of Europe.

This is a choice that unfortunately leads on a daily basis to the death and drowning of hundreds of people in the Mediterranean waters and thousands of others to experience inhumane conditions.

It is evident that as long as the on-going wars and inhumane policies do not stop, the humanitarian and refugee crisis cannot be tackled effectively and states will be called upon daily to address the consequences of this deadlock situation.

This continuing tragedy once more imposes even more urgently the need for the EU to proceed to a radical review of its immigration policy, which must be based on universal values ​​and principles and the respect of the basic rights of every human being.

The EU Summit which will once again deal with the migration issue on 14th September must take decisions that on the one hand will immediately respond to this crisis and on the other will combat the root causes of the enforced displacement, uprooting and death of millions of people.

AKEL, in addition to its MEP’s within the framework of the Left group in the European Parliament, demands and is struggling for an in-depth debate to be conducted at last on the immigration and refugee issue. AKEL calls on the Cyprus government to abandon its policy of support for or/and participation in such interventions and to contribute as an EU member state to actions aiming at protecting the lives and fundamental rights of immigrants and refugees.

More specifically, AKEL demands the:

– Abolition and transformation of the FRONTEX mechanism from a body guarding borders into a mechanism for rescuing the lives of immigrants.

– Establishment of a common asylum policy on the basis of solidarity, the respect of the value of life and the reversal of the existing international reality characterized by wars and poverty.

– Abolition of the Dublin System which is exacerbating the humanitarian crises and the provision of travel documents to immigrants and refugees to go to their country of destination.

– Creation of dignified temporary accommodation conditions for the refugees based on the standards of the UN and with the financial assistance of the EU.

– Ensuring speedy and fair granting of asylum to migrants who meet the criteria of international conventions.

– Provision of legal solutions, such as the strengthening of family reunification, their settlement and relocation, visas for humanitarian reasons, etc.

– Strengthening programs to fight racism and xenophobia, the combating of the phenomenon of the growth of the extreme right and the creation of fascist organizations.

Cyprus as a country which borders with the countries of the Middle East accepted and accepts refugees seeking safety and protection. AKEL calls on the Government to take all necessary measures and to address the refugees who have arrived in our country with all due respect to human dignity by providing them with the most suitable reception conditions and to facilitate legal and other procedures. At the same time, AKEL calls on Cypriot society as a whole to demonstrate the solidarity that characterizes it and embrace these people, thereby easing their pain and grief.

AKEL within the framework of its solidarity towards refugees from Syria will visit tomorrow Tuesday 8th September 2015, at 11 a.m. their place of residence in Kokkinotrimithia. The delegation will be headed by Stephanos Stephanou, member of the Central Secretariat, AKEL MP’s Skevi Koukouma and Stella Demetriou and members of the Office of Migration Policy of the C.C. of the Party.



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