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AKEL GS statements on latest developments surrounding the Cyprus problem

Statements by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th February 2017, Nicosia

cyprus NATO cprI express our sadness and dissatisfaction with today’s developments in the negotiations, which harm the procedure and disappoint thousands of people from both sides of the barbed wire who live in the hope of a solution to the Cyprus problem and the reunification of our homeland.

AKEL reiterates that the decision that was taken by political parties last Friday in the House of Representatives for the commemoration of the anniversary of the Enosis Referendum is wrong. We all know that AKEL started back then the campaign to collect signatures. But since then almost seven decades have elapsed. Cyprus from a colony was declared an independent state. The treacherous coup d’état and Turkish invasion followed, as well as our agreement with the international and Turkish Cypriot community for a bizonal, bicommunal federation. For us today to go back and honor the policy of Enosis, is at the very least political schizophrenia. We had warned on the same day of the decision’s approval that serious problems would be provoked to the negotiations.

Regretfully AKEL has been vindicated. The Turkish Cypriot side’s reaction was excessive and unacceptable. The only circles and forces delighted with it are precisely those circles and forces who do not want a solution and have been trying for some time to find a way to end the talks. In the wake of the situation created, the President of the Republic from the very outset should have admitted that the decision adopted by the majority of the House of Representatives was wrong, not simply untimely, and find ways to allay the concerns of the Turkish Cypriots. Unfortunately he failed to do so. He took the same stand today as well. After today’s meeting, instead of focusing on how to defuse the crisis, Mr. Anastasiades unfortunately opted, albeit indirectly, to play the blame game. In a coordinated manner governing DISY party leading members have already paraded on television to persuade us that Akinci’s walkout from the talks was a predetermined decision, something which Mr. Anastasiades reiterated in his own statement as well.

We could have said a lot. But we won’t do so, deliberately, because what is paramount now is that we should find the way to overcome the difficulties that have emerged before us and resume the substantive dialogue in order to reach a solution based on principles. Turkish intentions will be revealed at the negotiating table and nowhere else. If Turkey remains intransigent at the table, then it will be exposed. However, if the talks are suspended now, the Cyprus problem will remain unresolved and it is very likely that responsibilities will be attributed to us too. We must find a way to continue the dialogue. We need to march on the path of the effort to the very end and not sacrifice it for the sake of any petty-party or petty-political considerations.

Our concern isn’t the next election. Everyone’s concern must focus on the future generations.

The General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou replies to journalist’s questions

What option is there from here onwards after today’s events?

AK: In our view, the two leaders have no choice. They must make efforts to find a way to resume the negotiations. For one to attempt to score points over the other I think is wrong. And what should be clear in the minds of Turkish Cypriots is that the Greek Cypriot side discusses a solution based on a bicommunal, bizonal federation. And we must confirm this every day to allay their concerns. On the other hand, I repeat that the reaction of the Turkish Cypriots was excessive and unnecessary. We, and Mr. Anastasiades was correct on this point, could also have found many justifications to cause problems to the procedure. This shouldn’t be the goal of anyone: neither of Mr. Akinci, nor of Mr. Anastasiades. Both of them declare that they really want a solution and reunification. If that is their goal, they must behave differently.

As things have evolved, is there now ground for the continuation of the negotiations?

AK: I consider we have no option. The Cyprus problem will only be solved through negotiations. If someone thinks that now he will stop the procedure of the discussion of the Cyprus problem and seamlessly proceed to the Presidential elections with everyone masquerading as it suits them in view of the presidential elections, and that after the presidential election he/she will find the Cyprus problem waiting there as it is today, he/she is mistaken. If this does occur, things in March 2018 will be much, much worse than they are today. It is a cry of anguish that I am emitting to both leaders. We must put aside egos, any other goals and find a way to resume the negotiations based on principles. This is what we must all insist on. I can’t hide the fact that AKEL will try to play a role in this direction.

Will you have contacts with the Turkish Cypriot community?

AK: I will seek to and will have contacts, yes.

Do you consider that the presidential elections will affect the procedure for the solution of the Cyprus problem?

AK: Allow me to reverse the question. I consider that the next presidential elections mustn’t under any circumstances affect the procedure for the solution of the Cyprus problem. My appeal to all of us, starting from the President and going to me, to the rest of the political party leaders and parties, is not to allow that to happen.


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