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AKEL from the outset had pointed out the problems that the proposal on the Enosis referendum would cause

Written statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28th March 2017, Nicosia

cyprus NATO cprIt is a contradiction in terms for the so-called “intermediate spectrum of the centre” to repeat on a daily basis that the Turkish side was seeking a pretext to suspend the negotiations, while at the same time insisting on maintaining the pretext that serves the Turkish side’s considerations and expediencies.

AKEL, which from the very beginning had pointed out the problems that the proposal on the Enosis referendum would cause, and regretfully we were vindicated, is working to overcome the problems which others have caused and who instead of assuming their responsibilities are provoking by issuing unacceptable and provocative statements.

AKEL in a serious and responsible manner assumes its share of responsibilities as regards the future of our country.


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