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AKEL Declaration on Cyprus Independence Day


1 October 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

AKEL marks the 63rd anniversary of Cyprus’ independence by holding high and proudly the Cypriot flag as the banner of our homeland and struggle. The Republic of Cyprus, even though it was burdened with the negative features and commitments of the Zurich-London Agreements, was and is a gain for the Cypriot people and at the same time, it represents a shield for its freedom and survival in its homeland.

On the occasion of the anniversary, AKEL stresses that the Republic of Cyprus is neither a defunct state as the occupying power and the Turkish Cypriot leadership would like it to be, nor a second Greek state as Greek Cypriot nationalism understands it. The Republic of Cyprus is an independent bi-communal state belonging to all Cypriot citizens, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins.

The 1st of October is a day of honor and gratitude to all the fighters of the liberation struggle of Cyprus who confronted the British colonial rule from every battle front; in the armed struggle and popular uprisings, in the militant mass demonstrations and strikes, in the civil disobedience campaigns, in prisons, torture, exile, and illegality.

We honor with them the heroic martyrs of the Greek-Turkish friendship who resisted nationalism that from the very first day was undermining the foundations of the Republic of Cyprus.

We pay tribute to the defenders of democracy against the treacherous EOKA B and Greek junta fascism.

We honor the warriors – both survivors and martyrs – who heroically defended the freedom of our homeland against the Turkish invasion.

We also honor all those who have worked throughout all these decades in the diplomatic arena and in the international movement of solidarity with the struggle of Cyprus, so that the plans for the division and abolition of the Republic of Cyprus would not pass, for the divisive fait accompli f the occupation not to prevail.

At the same time, of course, today’s anniversary must be a day for all the Cypriot people to review, think intensely and reflect on the mistakes, crimes, illusions and nationalist obsessions that have marred the modern history of Cyprus and which enabled external subversion to lead our country to bloodshed and its de facto partition.

On the occasion of Cyprus Independence Day, AKEL addresses a message of unity and struggle to all the Cypriot people so that the permanent partition of Cyprus isn’t finalized, which will mean a new cycle of insecurity and tension on our island. We call on everyone to realise the critical nature of the times that our country is going through and to focus on the effort for a solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality.

That’s precisely why AKEL insists on the need for a resumption of the talks from the point where they were interrupted in 2017, on the basis of the Guterres Framework and all the convergences that have been recorded so far in the negotiations.

This is the path to the liberation and reunification of Cyprus, to the redemption of our people and homeland, as well as to the opening of huge prospects for cooperation and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean.



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