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AKEL and TDP agree to cooperate for a Cyprus solution

Joint stqatement of AKEL – Turkish Cypriot Communal Democracy Party (TDP)

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 31st May 2017, Nicosia

We had a very constructive discussion that reaffirmed the position of principle which our parties have always supported.

That is to say, the top priority for the two parties is to achieve a solution that will be based on the agreed framework and will reunite our common homeland.

In this context, we call on the two leaders to show flexibility on procedural issues and intensify their efforts to overcome the current methodological problems and to resume substantive negotiations.

At the same time, we urge the United Nations to remain actively committed towards overcoming the difficulties and resuming the negotiations.

The two parties reiterated their willingness to contribute with all their strength towards the achievement of a just, workable and viable solution of the Cyprus problem.


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The General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou replies to journalists' questions at the end of the meeting with the Turkish Cypriot Communal Democracy Party (TDP)