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AKEL acts on the Cyprus problem with consistency and patriotism, pursuing a timeless policy confirmed each time by developments

Statement by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of AKEL, on the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th May 2016, Nicosia

cyprus flagMaybe not everyone agrees with AKEL’s analysis on society and the economy. This is completely normal. However, there isn’t any objective person who doesn’t admit that AKEL acts on the Cyprus problem with consistency and patriotism, following a timeless policy which is confirmed each time by developments themselves.

We have a vision for the future of Cyprus; a vision that we not only believe in, but we struggle for. It is a vision which we shape with concrete proposals that we have tabled at the negotiating table. These are proposals that abolish ethnic confrontation, break down the barriers that wanted us to live side-by-side; proposals that talk about the future of Cyprus where Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will live together. We want to build together with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots a reunited Cyprus under a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality, as described in the United Nations resolutions. A reunified state that will represent an evolution of the Republic of Cyprus and that will have a single and indivisible sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality. It will be a State that will be a beacon and an example for the whole world. It will be a modern model of harmonious coexistence of two communities of different ethnicities, languages and religions that will co-manage their common state. It will be a country that will have managed to throw out the armies and channel all its power and resources towards social investment and economic growth.

From September 2009 up to the Anastasiades – Eroglu Joint Declaration in February 2014, all the other political forces were all in alliance together against us on the Cyprus problem. We defied the political cost and insisted to the end on our position that the negotiation process should continue from where it left off with the Christofias- Talat convergences. Initially we were not heeded and the President of the Republic followed a policy of rejecting these convergences. This was a policy that they all – except AKEL – chose to follow. That policy collapsed, with the Turkish vessel “Barbara” roaming unhindered in the southern coasts of the Republic of Cyprus and with the Secretary-General of the United Nations submitting the worst Report for us since 2004 to the Security Council. When Eroglu realized that the President of the Republic rejected the Christofias-Talat convergences he made a 180 degree turn by declaring that he was now ready to continue the negotiations from where they had left off. That is to say, he successfully implemented the well-known blame game.

Therefore when certain circles and forces speak about some supposed collusion between DISY and AKEL they are just misleading the people because President Anastasiades followed their own policy first, namely the so-called “hard line” and rejection in words and in deeds. We all saw where that policy led us to. When at last President Anastasiades decided to change course and build on the Christofias-Talat convergences, progress was finally recorded. The assumption by Akinci of the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community also helped towards this end, given that he also said that he wanted the continuation of the negotiations from where we had left off.

The current conjuncture for a solution of the Cyprus problem still exists because it has to do with the interests of both the European Union and of Turkey itself. However, all that is happening lately with the new “government” in the occupied areas, the removal of Davutoglu and other developments, prove how correct the position of AKEL is that circumstances come and go and must be utilized because no one ever knows if and when the next one will come. The months ahead will be extremely critical for the fate of the current negotiation procedure.

As AKEL from the very outset we have supported the negotiation procedure. We stressed that AKEL will not sacrifice our country for petty party expediencies as DISY and other parties did during the Christofias administration because we do not operate either with revenge or opportunistically. We supported and continue to support the negotiations without of course giving a blank check. Furthermore, no one must ever consider AKEL as given.

We have been vindicated by developments themselves. However the question is to vindicate Cyprus and our people. This is our foremost and unswerving goal.

We are the force that can fulfill this goal, leading to a solution that will be accepted by both the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots.

We are the force, the only power that can build and guarantee the perspective of our people, the prospect of the liberation and reunification of our homeland and people.


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