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Address of Christos Christofides, member Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, at the event organized by Ukrainians living in Cyprus for peace in Ukraine


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 1st June 2014, Famagusta Gate Park, Nicosia

10438846_10152585549454050_940020426_nToday we join our voices with you, calling for an end to the bloodshed and civil strife in the Ukraine; an end to the foreign interventions in the internal affairs of your country. We call for the silencing of the guns and for the fires that are destroying Ukraine to be put out. We call for the humanitarian crisis entire regions of Ukraine are facing to be healed instantly; for a peaceful dialogue and for peace to prevail. Ukraine can, and must, be a bridge for peace in Eurasia and not the centre of discord in the fierce energy competitive rivalries of our times.

As Cyprus and Cypriot people, we can understand the agony and pain you are going through in these dramatic times, because we have also experienced ourselves bloodshed, victims of foreign interventions and nationalist frenzy in our recent past, the results of which we continue to suffer from, indeed for several decades now.

Regardless of anyone’s view about the real causes of the tragedy experienced by Ukraine, we must all agree on the need for an immediate end to military operations and violence from all sides; for a peaceful solution through a democratic and transparent national dialogue that will lead to agreed changes and reforms, guaranteeing the future of Ukraine and its people, the rights of all the ethnic groups and regions of Ukraine.

Furthermore, we demand the waging of independent investigations on the crimes that were committed in Kiev in February, as well as more recently in the cities of Odessa and Mariupol and for the culprits to be brought to justice.

The rise and support of neo-fascism, nationalism and anti-communism, the violent actions of neo-Nazi forces is a recipe for disaster and continuing bloodshed. Correspondingly, foreign interventions also lead to nowhere. Foreign forces are only seeking to ensure their own interests. The United States and the current leadership of the EU do not honestly care about democracy and Ukraine’s territorial integrity. With their stand, they are fermenting situations that are ultimately endangering Ukraine. For this reason, as AKEL we call on the Cyprus government not to consent to EU decisions that poor petrol on the flames of the conflict, instead of contributing towards the de-escalation of the tension. The Cyprus government must adopt a balanced and just position, in the interests of the people of the Ukraine, and the interests of the Cypriot people. As AKEL, we were in the forefront of the efforts for the adoption by the House of Representatives of a balanced and just resolution.

Whatever the case may be, only the people of the Ukraine themselves has the right to decide unhindered what the future of its country will be and what political and economic relations it will have with its neighbours, as well as which economic and strategic alliances it forges.

In closing, we reiterate the support of AKEL, but also of the people of Cyprus as a whole to the people of Ukraine, with whom we are united by long-lasting bonds of friendship. We assert with you the demand for an immediate end to the violence and bloodshed, for peace and dialogue.


AKEL address to Meeting of Greekcypriot and Turkishcypriot political parties


Solidarity with the people of Ukraine