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Address by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou at the anti-occupation Kyrenia meeting


Address by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou at the anti-occupation Kyrenia meeting


10th November 2019, Ledra Street opening, Nicosia

73528622_2810131972354334_3510988417036976128_nToday’s event seeks to send out a very clear message. Namely that the occupation must be lifted, that the barbed wire of division must be dismantled, that Cyprus must be reunified and that the people of Cyprus, united, will build the country and the future it deserves.

We don’t forget, and we will never ever forget.

It wasn’t the beloved sea of ​​Kyrenia that brought the Turkish army to Cyprus. They were not brought to our homeland by that sea that inflated the hearts of those who gazed upon it from the harbor with dreams and hopes for the future.

Imperialism brought the Turkish troops because of its evil plans. Those who claim to be “more Greek” were the ones who opened the back door to the Turkish army to invade Cyprus; the ones who were brandishing Kalashnikovs pretending to be “super-patriots”. They were the ones that brought the Turkish army and filled our homeland with refugees, uprooted people, dead and missing persons.

Today we are here to reassure that AKEL, speaks for the majority of the Cypriot people when we insist on struggling until we achieve the vindication of our country. In the miserable atmosphere created by the Anastasiades-DISY Government, by the undermining of institutions and values as well as the general disintegration they have caused, we insist on continuing the struggle for a solution and reunification.

It is truly incomprehensible that every time we stress these things, every time AKEL is warning that we are on the brink of partition, Mr. Anastasiades and DISY imply that AKEL expresses foreign interests. AKEL expresses Cyprus. It expresses the struggling Cypriot people and this country’s anxiety to live and prosper.

We don’t want to mislead the people with big talk when the nightmare scenario of partition is knocking on our door.

We don’t engage in sloganeering from balconies with sensationalism and hollow rhetoric.

We prefer to tell the truth to the people as hard as it is.

We prefer to tell the people our positions in a sincere and honest way.

The only way to save our country, which can create the prospect for our country to have a future, is through an honourable compromise as envisaged by the agreed framework. We do not want, and will not, compromise with the occupation or with imperialism. What we are seeking is an honourable compromise with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots.

We want the future generations to live in our homeland in peace, in conditions of safety, with their human rights and fundamental freedoms safeguarded.

Cyprus will be saved only if we can agree on a solution that will free us from the occupation.

On a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution that will guarantee and ensure the human rights and basic freedoms of all Cypriot citizens.

On a solution based on United Nations Resolutions, the High-Level Agreements, International and European Law.

On a solution that will demilitarize Cyprus and exclude any guarantees or intervention rights in our country’s internal affairs by any foreign forces.

On a solution that will reunite the territory, the people, the institutions and the economy within the framework of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as outlined in the relevant UN texts.

On a solution that will lead to a united and single state, a continuation of the Republic of Cyprus.

As we have gathered here at an event dedicated to Kyrenia, we cannot but remember once again the late Demetris Christofias. As the leader of our Party and subsequently as President of the House of Representatives and President of the Republic, he waged a political struggle for liberation and reunification, with Kyrenia always in his heart.

Cyprus and History will remember Demetris Christofias for what he achieved for the inhabitants of Kyrenia when negotiating the Cyprus problem. The convergence he recorded with Mehmet Ali Talat concerning the implementation of the three freedoms, namely movement, settlement and acquisition of property at the end of the transitional periods following the solution, is extremely important.

We have and continue to urge Mr. Anastasiades to evaluate what Mr. Christofias achieved in the talks to the benefit of Cyprus’ cause; to comprehend – even belatedly – the mortal danger that is threatening Cyprus with partition.

Turkey has crossed every limit of provocative and threatening behaviour. We are experiencing it in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus, through the fait accompli it is attempting to impose in Famagusta and in the protracted deadlock in the talks. Turkey is systematically colonizing our homeland and loading it with troops. If the Cyprus problem is led to a stalemate, things will soon turn negative with disastrous consequences for Cyprus.

We are also now in danger from the fait accompli as well. Many owners of properties from the occupied territories are compromising with crumbs paid by the so-called Property Commission (in the occupied areas). They are selling their property to meet their financial obligations. Many others are gradually passing away in the refugee government settlements. The generation that lived in a united Cyprus is slowly dwindling with the yearning and pain of the return to their homes and properties.

We have to reflect on developments. What must we do so that we can address the Turkey’s provocative actions? What must we do to at long last reunite our country?

Mr. Anastasiades must provide political answers to all these issues; answers that should be based on the agreed framework, won’t proceed to concessions and be characterised by determination and an open mind.

If negotiations resume the path will not be paved with rose petals. It will be a very difficult path. Continuity and consistency will be demanded, together with a precise perspective in mind, free from any fixations and expediencies, with determination and a clear goal. In view of the 25th November trilateral meeting, we urge Mr. Anastasiades to work hard for a resumption of a meaningful dialogue that will lead to a solution within the agreed framework.

Cyprus will not be saved by constructing luxury towers and ‘golden passports’ programs, by building casinos and promoting “get rich quick” policies.

Cyprus will only be saved with reunification.

Cyprus will only have a future if we have been able to reunite it; only when its people is united and begins building its common future.

Only when we will gaze at the sea of ​​Kyrenia and it won’t remind us of that cursed morning of 20th July 1974, but of the days to come and of our most beautiful days, which we have not yet lived.

AKEL is adamant and will continue to struggle and raise the flag of Cyprus until that time comes.


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