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Statement by the Central Committee of AKEL on the results of the 9th June elections


13 July 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The Central Committee of AKEL today discussed the results of the 9th June elections, which recorded on the one hand an unquestionably negative result in the European elections, and on the other hand a significant success in local government elections.

The discussion addressed all political, organisational and communication issues concerning the elections, but also the presence of AKEL more broadly.

This dialogue will continue among the thousands of members and friends of AKEL, but also with the people of the Social Alliance. Not only does AKEL not shy away from but seeks self-criticism, listening to opinions and suggestions from society at large, but especially from the people of the Left.

The determination to correct mistakes and weaknesses, to reverse stereotypes about the Party, to build on the positive aspects of our actions, to defend the principles, values and assertions of the Left in an admittedly adverse socio-political environment, to open ourselves boldly to the modern world of labour and to the progressive forces of the country, is the universal will of the Central Committee of AKEL.

The Central Committee of AKEL assessed as positive the steps taken with the Social Alliance, which are reflected, among other things, in the fact that 30% of the elected Municipal Councilors and School Board members on our electoral lists belong to it.

Furthermore, the Central Committee underlined AKEL’s determination to continue the next steps in relation to the Social Alliance for it to become a dynamic open platform which, together with AKEL and the whole Left, will change the political balance of forces and prospects in the country.

On the other hand, the perception of the demeaning of all parties and politics, which has become entrenched in society, is the main problem we have before us. It is wrong and ineffective to blame society and citizens for their attitudes and choices.

AKEL understands that it is its responsibility to change this perception and this will be done through its work, positions and actions. In addition, one of the main findings is the fact that with the existing organisational structures, means of communication and forms of work of the Party, our messages do not reach all sections of society and especially a significant portion of the young generation. These are central problems to which AKEL is determined to provide bold and drastic solutions.

At the same time the Party is focusing on the day after. Particularly in local government, that is the institution of power that is closest to the people, the strengthened presence of the Left must be translated into creative and distinctively progressive actions for the benefit of local communities.

The fact that all existing Left Mayors have been re-elected with percentages above 50% is proof that the Left, through its work, can deliver results that are embraced by the people. The result of the European elections – in which we did not fulfill any of the objectives we set – charges us with the responsibility to strengthen our initiatives and the promotion of our European parliamentary activity, in the service of Cyprus, our people and our vision for a radically different Europe.

AKEL will move forward. With modern forms of communication and actions. With more dynamic and visible movement-based actions. With assertions for the modern needs of society at work, in education, health, housing. With consistency, honesty and responsibility towards the people. With determination and optimism.




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