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Attempt to conclude convergences on open issues for local government reform

Statement by AKEL MP Aristos Damianou after the meeting of the Parliamentary Internal Affairs Committee

11 November 2021

As a result of today’s session of the Parliamentary Internal Affairs Committee, the outstanding issues on which a political decision is pending, the Ministry of Interior’s consultation with the Union of Municipalities, the Finance Ministry and the Union of Communities, has been reduced to about fifteen. Of course, this number is not necessarily indicative of the seriousness of the issues.

However, today too, there has been an effort made by all sides to reach a convergence on outstanding issues, hence the reduction in pending issues.

Let me just say, by way of example, that among other things, the outstanding issues concern (a) certain competences and their clarification in relation to the management of beaches, on which a final decision will be taken next week, (b) appointment procedures and disciplinary procedures for employees, (c) issues regarding the management of green spaces, and a number of other issues of secondary importance.

We consider that, according to the roadmap we have laid out, all of the above-mentioned issues will be completed at the upcoming meeting on November 18. We have also agreed that at the meeting scheduled for 25 November, we shall discuss with a view to taking final political decisions on the issues related to referenda, mergers of local authorities and, of course, the final number of Municipalities. If we move within the framework we have agreed, I believe that the prospect of bringing all three Bills before us to the plenary within the timeframe is within sight.

In addition, I would like to also state the following. We as AKEL, and all the parties in the Internal Affairs Committee, are aware that there are open issues and additional stakes concerning local communities. It is no secret that several requests that have been made by the Union of Communities are before us for consideration, given that most of them have not been included in the Bills as tabled in Parliament. But I want to issue an appeal to the Union of Communities and local communities in particular. It is a common position that we should, as far as possible, respond by listening to the requests made by communities by incorporating some of their own positions into the relevant Communities Bill. But at the same time, we believe that it is not appropriate to issue ultimatums as a threat in a way that creates the impression that the overall and collective intention is not to promote Local Government Reform.

As Chairman of the Parliamentary Internal Affairs Committee, on behalf of all the other parties, I appeal to everyone to be patient. There are open issues, as I mentioned. We too have specific positions on all the issues. The time will come very soon, the time of Motions and Amendments parties will table, and we will all ultimately be judged by the end result.

The goal remains a functional regulation that will modernize local government for the benefit of local communities, because this is a social necessity.


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