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AKEL demands an end to any arbitrary interventions in or near the Akamas protected areas

Statement by AKEL MP Nikos Kettirou and Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, after the Committee’s meeting

10 November 2021

Today we discussed the implementation programme of the AKAMAS Management Plan’s provisions in the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment.

It must be noted at the outset that the issue of the correct management and protection of the Akamas region dates back. For decades, efforts have been made to find the best solution to this issue. Unfortunately, vested powerful interests do not permit this to become a reality. What is needed, however, is political will to be demonstrated, which the government has proved it doesn’t have.

We recall that the original proposal put forth in 2009 provided for the exchange of land, the transfer of development rights and compensation to ensure that owners of land were protected, because above all, the Akamas project was and must be centred on people and their needs and interests alone.

Unfortunately, the plans have not progressed as they should have for many different reasons. Since then, the issues of the Akamas region have remained unresolved.  But all we witness year after year is the plan to reduce the area of protected areas and the constant attempt to grant rights to large development projects within this area.

If the local plans currently being elaborated do not include such land exchange schemes based on environmental, spatial and planning criteria then they will either fail or condemn Akamas and the residents of the area.

The Plan for the National Forest Park, as approved by the Ministerial Cabinet, leads to the creation of a much smaller protected forest. In addition, it excludes 25% of the terrestrial territory of NATURA 2000.

AKEL disagrees with the Plan in principle. We disagree with the Plan because it violates fundamental principles and legislation and takes us years behind as regards the overall management of Akamas. For AKEL, a prerequisite for discussing the plan is the removal of any arbitrary interventions in or near the protected areas.

We urge the government, the responsible Ministry and the Ministerial Committee to state clearly what they intend to do in the Akamas area.

As AKEL we support the actions/struggles of the environmental movements and the people of the region to protect the area. We are in favour of the creation of a National Park, which, if properly exploited and with the development of the surrounding communities as its main component, will only bring positive results for the region.


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